Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Registry Develops Scientific Advisory Council

On May 5, 2014, legislators passed Senate Bill 14-155 amending Colorado Revised Statute 25-1.5-106 to create a medical marijuana research grant program to fund research regarding the medical efficacy and appropriate  administration of marijuana  as part of medical treatment.

The statute requires the Department to develop a scientific advisory council to evaluate research proposals and make recommendations to the state Board of Health for funding. Currently we are seeking letters of interest from community partners interested in serving on this advisory council as  “a person who represents medical marijuana patient interests.”  The statute strictly defines the council structure, which includes one position for a patient representative.

If you are interested in serving on this council, please send an email to physicianreview@state.co.us by May 30, 2014.   Please provide the following information in your response, and any additional information that may be helpful in determining who to appoint to this position.

  1. Describe your knowledge and experience related to medical marijuana.
  2. Describe how you are a good choice to represent medical marijuana patient interest including your experience serving on boards, commissions, or work groups concerning medical marijuana patients, participating in patient education and outreach initiatives, or other activities to support patient well-being.
  3. Explain your knowledge and understanding of current research as it pertains to effectiveness of medical marijuana.
  4. Affirm that you are able to make a one-year commitment to attend monthly meetings which may last up to four hours.